Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10:30am and the sun still isn't up

This is a very rare occasion in which the title of my post is not some clever summary of its content...I'm sorry to disappoint, I just had to reflect on Iceland's endearing geographical anomaly. The sun setting early isn't so strange, as Saratoga often rids of the sun by 4-ish, but waking up at 9am in the darkness of midnight is a strange experience. Also, I'm sure many of you know that "Conquer the day" feeling you get when you manage to wake up and be an active member of society before 7am...the dim late morning makes me feel significantly more productive and proactive than I actually am...curses, false sense of improvement!

Evan and I were given a whole apartment for our stay, due to an extremely big-hearted family-friend of Caitlin and Maik. An unexpected generosity, Evan and I set out to stock our temporary kitchen with all the proper necessities (jk, here's a picture of a sheep's head in the corner store down the street):

Icelandic stereotypes aside (for now), we explored the snowy, blustery streets of Reykjavík and found shelter in a Never-Ending Story-style used book store

This is actually the same used book store that Bobby Fischer used to frequent during his exile in Iceland. To be honest with you, I'm not really sure whether his life is common knowledge or not. I had no idea that he peaced out to Iceland and that the Icelandic government granted him full citizenship for "humanitarian reasons," but everyone here seems to know a whole lot about it so I'm going to leave you all with an underwhelming summary of his Icelandic history (see above) and a convenient link to his wikipedia page:

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