Sunday, June 26, 2011

More from Snæfellsnes. Probably.

Alright. So. Things have been a little out of order. Whatever, I operate by my own timeline. However, the combined photographic efforts of 4 family members has created a timeline that even I struggle to comprehend. I'm doing my best to create some sort of linear progression, but I might just admit defeat. Don't worry. "Defeat" only means that I will smatter this blog with unexplained photographs until I reach the point in my trip where I am the only one contributing to this visual which point an intelligible narrative will slowly materialize.

That paragraph may or may not be overdramatic.

Nonetheless. Here we are at the black sand beach, Djúpalónssandur. This is another revisited site from last summer, but it does not become any less mysterious or mystical. I really can´t remember who took which pictures, so all visual appreciation should be directed toward the Brenners as a whole.

I thought these two photographs they were really beautiful examples of Iceland's unconcealed geology, and they really looked particularly impressive placed side-by-side. Sooo I did a lil tweaking and smushed 'em together.

The best part of this beach is the rocks. They look like polished massage stones, and they make an extremely gratifying noise when you stomp on them.

Nathan, braving the treacherous slopes.

The beach is covered in decaying pieces from shipwrecked vessels.

This was a trail that took you over the beach to the other side of a cliff. There, you can see a fish-abundant cove that was once a gathering spot for fishermen.

This was the Norwegian House in Stykkishólmur (as the name implies, it was brought here...from Norway)

The Vatnsafn had some chess tables in quite a picturesque location. Here, we're doing an almost convincing job of pretending to play chess.

This is the restaurant we enjoyed during our stay in Stykkishólmur

Cozy Meal #2

Space Church!

The path to Hvítserkur

Icelandic horse!

1 comment:

  1. It's so great to relive our trip through your hilarious descriptions! I especially favor the label "extreme sightseeing"! Great fun!
