Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oh Crap, Blog (Pt. 2)

I was hoping to finish this game of catch-up last night, but since it was the Summer Solstice I felt a stronger obligation to sit outside, drink hot chocolate, and watch the sundip...which is my new word for a summer Icelandic sunset (but it's NOT a sunset because it's a sundip! get it right!)

So, with apologies for disorganization, here's another smattering of photographs from the beginning-ish of my family vacation, pre-students.

Back to jumping at Laufás...

At earth's edge

Another one from Ásbyrgi

Another one from Krafla

At Hverir, a geothermal field

Nearby is a small spa, similar to the Blue Lagoon, fed by effluence from a nearby geothermal plant. It's a really beautiful spot and a great idea, but our experience involved a lot of cold spots followed by a rush of scorchingly hot water at random intervals. I loved the area and I loved the concept, but it was perhaps the most stressful spa experience I've had to endure (well, I don't have many other spas to compare it to) . I felt that my trust in the spa was abused by its manipulative and aggressive behavior. Our relationship will never be the same...

Some pseudocraters...

Sadly, our trip to Mývatn was on a very windy and cold day...I tried to coax the family out of the car to go for an admittedly miserable and grueling walk around the pseudocraters...We didn't get very far. But at least my Dad looked a little silly in his sweatshirt.

We visited my homestay family the first day we were in Akureyri, and here's their house. It's Norwegian. And mega-old (an approximation).

Hof, the cultural center in Akureyri

On Sundays they broadcast a live radioshow from Hof, and the public is encouraged to attend

Outside of Akureyri is Safnasafnið, the New Folk and Outsider Museum. Most fitting adjective: quirky

Tried to get a good picture of this but it was harder than anticipated...Hopefully you can see the tree rings that line up on the wall/ceiling/podium?




This bowl was filled with water and was supposed to hum when you rubbed your thumbs on the handle. We were unable to crack the code, but it looks pretty!

Also, just in case you forgot that Iceland was expansive and filled with sheep:

We went over to Glaumbær, in Skagafjörður, to see some more turf houses and dine at a teahouse (Icelandic pancakes. Get'em.)

Important people!

Grass and skates growing from the ceiling!

Main hallway through the turfhouses

We traveled over to Hvítserkur, a rocky protrusion in the water and/or a troll frozen in the sunlight. Similar to our Mývatn experience, the beautiful landscape was rivaled by the frigid weather


1 comment:

  1. So many great pictures! (I love the one of the rock formation in the water)

    That's so cool that the cultural center in Akureyri is now open. I remember last summer when they were building it.

    When I went to Lake Myvatn with Rosie and her host family we also went to the same geothermal spa. We were surprised by the tepid waters, moved around then were suddenly scalded. Intersting experience indeed.

    Enjoy the rest of your time in Iceland. Super jealous!!!

